Saman Barakat, Alberto Martin-Lopez, Carlos Müller, Sergio Segura, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. The IDL tool suite: Specifying and analyzing inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs. SoftwareX 2025. |
Saman Barakat, Ana Belén Sánchez, Sergio Segura. IDLGen: Automated Code Generation for Inter-parameter Dependencies in Web APIs. ICSOC 2023. |
Saman Barakat, Alberto Martin-Lopez, Carlos Müller, Sergio Segura. The IDL Tool Suite: Inter-parameter Dependency Management in Web APIs. ICSOC (Demos) 2023. |
Saman Barakat, Ana Belén Sánchez, Sergio Segura. Toward Dependency-Aware API Gateways. JCIS 2023. |
Saman Barakat, Enrique Barba Roque, Ana Belén Sánchez, Sergio Segura. Specification-Driven Code Generation for Inter-parameter Dependencies in Web APIs. WESOACS 2022. |
Saman Barakat, Enrique Barba Roque, Ana Belén Sánchez, Sergio Segura. Automated Code Generation for Inter-parameter Dependencies in REST APIs. JCIS 2022. |
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. Online Testing of RESTful APIs: Promises and Challenges. ESEC/FSE 2022. |
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, Carlos Müller, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. Specification and Automated Analysis of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Web APIs. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing. 2021. |
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. RESTest: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful Web APIs. 30th ACM SIGSOFT Int. Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA’21). Aarhus, Denmark. 2021. |
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. RESTest: Black-Box Constraint-Based Testing of RESTful Web APIs. 18th Int. Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC’20). Dubai, UAE. 2020. |
Alberto Martin-Lopez, Sergio Segura, and Antonio Ruiz-Cortés. A Catalogue of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in RESTful Web APIs. ICSOC 2019. |